Your resilience is your path to Freedom.
The first step is to believe in it.
Through my collaborative coaching process, my entire aim is to support you in feeling firmly rooted in who you are as a human being and in creating the life of your design. Once you tap into that truth, freedom is around the corner.
A type of freedom that…
→ Opens up a path that fulfills you on the deepest level
→ Allows you to define and live by YOUR definition of success
→ Gifts you boundless & unimaginable opportunities
It sounds like a lofty goal, I know. But here is the bottom line:
It is attainable. This freedom you seek? You can absolutely find it. In fact, I know that you have the answer inside of you already.
When you know how resilient you are, you can do anything.
I am here to be your most ardent advocate, to listen to your challenges and your triumphs, and to mindfully reflect your most badass, resilient self back to you. There is something so difficult to describe and yet so honestly felt when you are with someone who is consciously present. And that is my ultimate goal, y’all. To fully be with you and to help you identify what the root issue or goal is, and based on that, we know where to go next.
Where do you yearn to go?
→ Let’s explore together
We all define success differently. So let’s embrace that!
We’ve been sold a story of what we are supposed to want. From our families, friends, coworkers, and society-at-large, we are constantly receiving external input as to what success is supposed to look like.
As your coach, I am intent on helping you connect your inner and outer worlds, to break out of the boxes you’ve inherited, and to live so boldly into who you truly are. Together, we will actively question what’s underneath your desires, all the while I will simultaneously encourage you to embrace a loving acceptance of what is.
Through our time together, we’ll look underneath all of the exterior symbols of success and find a deep knowing of what is most important to you. You are whole just as you are.
It’s worth repeating—you are whole.
Just as you are.
When you are able to let that recognition sink into a bone-deep knowing, true fulfillment stems from there, and each decision you make will align with the depths of your being.
And when you connect with your own resilience, you’ll see and deeply know that you can make it through those times that are beyond your control. This creates a freedom that weaves through all aspects of your life.
Perhaps this knowledge and freedom will, in fact, lead you to career success, material abundance, and a loving relationship, or perhaps it will lead you to some other marker completely.
How coaching can help you find your freedom
I made huge strides in my life when I started working with a coach.
I believe we have the answers within, that we are all resilient beyond our own imagination, and I believe that we all need partnership and support to access those answers at times.
I believe that if everyone were committed to that journey, our society could evolve quickly and peacefully. When we are aware, can articulate, and are aligned with our core values, purpose, and vision, we can experience joy, freedom, and adventure in each moment.
As your coach, I provide the structure, and the safety to explore what’s real for you, without any judgment, and you create the actions, the goals, and the desired outcomes. I support you in finding joy in the process, not just the outcome.